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keep in a dark place , 2023

In a swamp, with circular movements, I will speak to you about the sphinx.

Hello, my little winged ones,

we leave behind us an exquisite vomit.

A sharp metallic machine under my bed spins,

thousands of tiny Madonna medallions falling  from the sky,

they pierce me with two scissors 

one in the heart, one in the hand.

I don't have enough windows.

Dinosaurs that eat people, worms that eat people. We are victims of this earth, 62224 lives, we will be until 62500.

Does the tone of my voice tighten you?

From my upper lip flows blood, but you don't know.

On white surgical tiles, three dreadful ones tear my chest, because I couldn't remember what 2+3 equals.

I'm worried about the water-filled bag I carry on my head

Until your hand pulls me by the neck

And when I ask you who you are

You will fall dead.

I want to escape but the beams that support you hold me back

And you look at me with a satanic gaze.

I found the knife that cuts circles in the butter

On the floor, full of crumbs from bread.

If only there was something so that when I go down, I feel it inside me

Let’s say three rubber dice, slippery, black, and soft.

Hell called, I think I felt him next to me

-Did you hurt anywhere?


-Then I wasn’t close to you.

I moved to a ground-floor apartment with chickens around it

I put ropes to fence in my space

I let the glass roll

I throw all the glassware, nothing breaks

I prepare tea, I add sugar

I don’t have a fridge, just a stove

Natalie never called again

I hang curtains on 7 windows

The curtain rods keep falling

I support them, but they keep falling

I need 2 curtains for each curtain rod

I don’t have enough curtains.

In the bed, I find you lying in pieces

I take your head, still alive

We go together, lower and lower

There, with the broken people

Even though I know there is only one way to avoid tomorrow…

I am looking for a window, a skylight, something

You understood, I want to leave from here.

Depression appears like ocean waves

My head is barely out, just enough to breathe

Here stand marble figures

White to stand out from the night

Silent pianos between black and white

The dog bit me in this forest

I left the suitcases

Took the path that leads to everything closed

Scattered empty bottles along the way

Beautiful birds painted on everything closed.

You! Who gave me to hold in my hands eggs that rattle!

I run away

Eggs rattle

And while I want to embrace you out of love

you put two fingers deep into my cunt 

I fall and open my head in two

blood flows on our shoulders

I peel off the dead cockroaches from around us

For a moment, I thought about eating them, but I got disgusted.

Zulles kissed me when we went with the motorcycle to the post office

Sometimes things went wonderfully.

I hold tightly by the hair two marble heads

I hang them on bare tree branches

Along with 12 similar heads.

-Why do you close your eyes when I speak to you?

When they take me for the sacrifice, they will say, "What beautiful hair."

On the lower island, I went barefoot

A woman would give me her sandals.

I dig circles on the floor

I weigh 40 kilos, I feed myself with toothpicks.

My pockets are full of fleas

I might leave in 2 months, said the lady at the tickets

She was headless, yet she spoke normally.

Maria wore 11 white hats

Then she took off two and kept the rest

Her feet were tied with black ribbons

And her jaw was crooked

Everything was missing from inside there.

Climbing the same steep slope

I hold onto ropes with broken handles

I greeted you loudly

One of you squeezed my hand

I want to fly

I grab my loved one by the hair

(Whom I neglected to mention earlier)

We fly above the forest.

It’s as if I ruined the whole game

I put a lock outside the door, the bolt from inside.

Outside, behind the few trees for shade

They comb their long straight hair as a distraction

They ignore me.

I get up from the table, throw everything down

I scream as I leave, "Leave me alone."

You saw her blind, but very well in her psychology

You saw her putting wood on the fire

Even though they had tied her feet with a rope

She left last

Into the darkness

Forever frightened

She was holding a splint

She showed it with admiration to her friend

I was walking with my hands down,

my feet up so as not to fall over the cliff.

I loved floating over a lake of shit

swimming lying in an extremely melancholic posture

I sink from my heavy rings

I was looking at the reflections of the water on the sinking ship

I could see them giving it up

you greeted me from afar

but I thought you were greeting everyone else.

Folded like a deflated plastic doll

I hang from your shoulder

don't touch me, you'll burn 

you know it's full of hot water inside

I'm talking to you about a body that bleeds everywhere give

me oxycaine !

I had tufts of paranoia in my hair before I shaved it

imagine if i fail

everything is contained in the directory 

logically I should have died

however I don't remember anything like that

my body is just full of holes 

holes bring me misery.

Everyone wants in,

except you

we were in bed when i told you i was thirsty

you left

apparently to bring me water.

I hid our signs in a closet

I threw away all moldy food

I purposely kept the red peppers dry

I have a photo of the quiet house

I will plant the huge penis you gave me without roots

will there be a lake near my grave?

they admire a radish

nor did they visit the thousands of graves any further

despair screams away.

I keep silence in my armpit

I left all the blue ones behind

 in a hurry you might never know 

I was looking out further to see if you were coming

I saw my shadow fly

there are times when he wants to move away.

Before long they formed a circle around me

another fell into the lake

I had kicked them all out 

calling the amphora 

I kept the symbol

simple a circle within a circle

the rock swallowed me.

I bid you farewell over the corpses of the sleeping​

needless to say it was night

I want someone to talk to me about dark colors

I lost my way to the house where I had left my things 

we have one more day

your bones sat cross-legged as soon as they saw me

you obviously want to scare me

you left no marks behind

your folks will worry about kidnapping

You just changed your phone number.

Stella runs into the empty house 

you will all make the dead

I also ran doing two somersaults

time freezes 

I stood motionless in a lopsided position.

Distorted from crying,

they follow me

they would answer me in 4 minutes.

I chose a melo project

If you want, leave

I have chosen the highest rock for you

the second move you will pull me by the hair was the deadly one.

"I'm not asking much of you, I'm just going to take both of your asses."

Small extremes, how far will you go?

I didn't understand how I started to come to this place

I was walking

and one with at least 10 black suitcases in his hands 

grabs me by the throat

and when he finally sets me free

I want to save everyone but me.

An unknown woman is breathing in the house

the ceiling lamp was full of cockroaches

closed the ones I didn't open

away from everyone I saw despair

I gave her a handkerchief soaked in blood

or I would give it to her

I later learned that she was feeding on her blood next to her skeleton.

We looked face to face

he would stab me as soon as he poured into me gagged,

handcuffed the thief gets his hands on boxes

they didn't find me,

I had chased them away 

dresses handing to the ceiling. 

I wore a hat,

now you wear it

I was crossing Alexandra Avenue lamely

I'm the one with the many windows

I attacked with a knife not particularly large,

but sharp

on an armchair embroidered with black and white flowers. 

Luckily you weren't running,

but you were taking the turns very tight

your hands red 

you asked me to hold my palms so mine would turn red too

certainly not out of love.

I decided that death is awfully beautiful

from the loudspeaker an unknown woman pronounces unknown words

white sheets cover all the furniture except for two wooden chairs in front

cool, one day i will have a baby in my arms  

I will see it wrapped in gauze.

Now you realize you’ve lost yourself
in the narrow alleyways of my mind.

I push you; you bite me.

You search for a way out of the path you obviously entered.

In the narrow windows, the sphinxes build their nests.
Don’t be frightened, or I’ll be frightened too.

I spin around and can no longer speak,
inside the kitchen, over the pots,
we stir the rice,
we shape our likenesses, and then we eat them.

Finally, they hand me my plate.
I eat and leave for the other room after quite some time.

Crosswise, with scissors, you cut my hair without asking.
I uproot my hair and all the weight I carry in my head.

My brain cells burned out.
My knees buckle; I fall.
I don’t want to lie, so I say nothing.

The house flew away.
The floor collapses.
The hand cannot fly.

Two women run toward me—
one with snakes around her neck,
dangling to her feet,

A boa holds the other by the hair.
They hold slightly larger strawberries in their hands,
a bit harder ones.

I didn’t try them because I’m on the talk show “Last Hope.”
50,000 people watch me from their couches.

I painted my lips red with my finger in front of them.
When it ended, the rain began.

We wore crowns.
When you lay down, you set yours carefully beside you.
I’m still wearing mine.

I spin over an open window.
You laugh.

Someone tries to rip my teeth out.
In his hands, a torn-off grape,
probably Helen—

her finger is red-hot.
She waves at me on purpose,
leaving a deep burn in my palm.

There’s also a third person who doesn’t understand

I’m searching for you in the wrong house,
as if I wanted to prove the opposite of what’s true.

Small tiles in a row—
I think they left,
taking with them as much truth
as a locked room can hold.

They left me the rest:
truths and lies, mixed freely in the streets.
The dog bit me out of fear.

That was it.
We ran toward the icy fridge.
You are many, but really, it’s one—or maybe none.
That’s how I fade away, bit by bit.

If you press your two fingers against my nostrils,
you’ll think I’m dead.

Don’t get nostalgic.
Outside the kitchen window,
I have toast and biscuits.

Don’t go into the bedroom at all.
My cheeks are red.

At some point, I danced in front of him, swaying.
I think he said something about avoiding the urge to fly.

He’d have torn my ear,
if I hadn’t fallen onto him, shouting,
"One moment, let me untangle my earring."

I wore black cloths over my face—
our moldy filth,
smudged with blackness.

They’ll never unite.
From the car’s tiny mirror, someone smiled—
his teeth all gone, except for two upper canines.

I immediately regretted it.
With weakness, perhaps even love,
I realized no one was inside.

The chairs in the living room were folded.
I unfolded them.

He asserts his presence, even from afar,
always leaving one chair as his own.

Black, winged insects watched me from the house across the street.
They must think I’m the lady of the house,
because I sat to play the piano.

George entered the asylum.
I entered my house with little effort—
the doors and windows missing.

Cold, he aimed at my stomach.
The side of the bed near the window—empty.
The glass—shattered.

"Do you want a little life?"
"Have a little wound."

I breathe with difficulty.
He slashes my neck two or three times.
I swallow blood.

I dress.
Dressed in red, I wait to die.

The only thing that interested him was human necks.
He demanded I laugh.
He wanted to render death and laughter together.

Now he plays saxophone;
there’s a party in the house across the street.

A white sheet came to cover my house.
Don’t worry;
I’ll manage to leave this road no one else has taken.

Around my neck,
I wear a sinking iron door.

Bars everywhere,
to keep the mad from escaping.

The flower continues to live in eternal lies.
If I let you taste it, I don’t remember.

Beauty, with your long, straight hair—
you just greeted me,
pressing your finger into my palm.

You transformed into an old, ugly woman,
wrapped in a warm farewell,
dangling from sheets in the apartment’s airshaft,
until you fell into the void.

With a sharp knife,
I slice your flesh into thin pieces.

In the web of my mind, unfamiliar voices settle.
I hear screams, tearing my back.

I wait in the corridor of the deranged.
There’s also a light—
at the point where it meets the darkness.

There, in-between,
I burp up half-eaten worms,
from a random midday meal.

Not yet, but soon I’ll eat you, my little winged ones.
Everything has moved away.

You, airborne debauchery,
I want you to start eating me from the inside.

I won’t ruin the whole fairy tale for you.
I’ll throw out what’s necessary.
It hasn’t rung—
it just seems like it to you.

In a turn—
not for long, just enough—
you saw beauty and pain mate,
running toward an unknown direction.

They screamed forever,
playing the pin game—
pressing them into the skin,
then carefully pulling them out without touching any.

someone lived
inside a well

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