Help me have better dreams, 2022
Help me have better dreams, July 2022
performance - installation - poem
This performance took place during Fichti Festival at Fichtia Argolidas, as part of our Academy (Athens School of Fine Arts) studio 11 Asfa cooperation, curated by Jim Efthimiou
I was born at the house were Aggelos Sikelianos lived and died
Whenever I slept facing the wall I had the same nightmare the dreamland was taking place always on the wall : A house made of sugar, when I reached it just when I tasted it , an old dwarf was coming out and chasing after me
My sister believed that our house was haunted by a ghost, I saw it in my dreams, it was chasing me, I run I run until I fall down and hit both of my knees, in the house of Angelos Sikelianos every time I slept facing the wall Ghosts live inside walls