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A monster on a bright night, 2022
A monster on a bright night , 2022
In the medieval times, the nights were dark, so people felt among the sounds, dim images, from the touch of the night the monsters woke up. They appeared only at night and people learned to live with them, to consider them an integral part of reality. With the industrial revolution, the night began to stab with light, the monsters of the nights disappeared and their place was taken by a simple light.
But where did all these monsters go? They entered inside of us, so we struggle with them daily, without understanding that in essence they want to be freed. But we try to remove them from among us with torture and violence.
Let's bring the darkest night to life again, let the darkness cover it completely, let's leave room for our imagination to awaken the monsters outside of us, because they belong in the dark night, only then we will be able to reconcile with them.

photos: Alexandra Apsokardou

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